Fira del Càntir (Argillà Argentona)
Argillà Argentona Program 2015
Since 2015, Fira del Càntir has changed its name into Argilla Argentona, after Argilla Aubagne and Argillà Italia (Faenza).
Fira del Càntir, the International Ceramics and Pottery Fair of Argentona, is the most important market fair in Catalonia, and perhaps in Spain, because of the number and quality of the potters and ceramists that every year attend it. It welcomes about 80 participants from Catalonia, Spain and other countries, especially from Portugal, France, Italy, Russia, Belgium, Peru, and Morocco. Participants are divided in the following categories: Traditional pottery and Artistic ceramics, among others (antiques, institutions, book sellers and suppliers).
This open-air fair is held every year at the beginning of August, concurrently with the most important festival of the city, la Festa Major de Sant Domènec, and takes place in the streets of the city centre. About 35,000 visitors attends the fair every year, including general public, dealers and other professionals.
Moreover, the pottery fair entails a very important cultural agenda, which is centred on:
- Exhibitions
Every year about three important exhibitions of contemporary and traditional ceramics are displayed. They are held in the temporary room of exhibitions of Museu del Càntir (Pottery Museum), in Casa Gòtica and Antic Ajuntament.
- Educational activities
These take place in Plaça de Vendre (market square) every day of the fair. The most important activities are: workshops of potter's wheel, demonstrations of traditional pottery (all day), rakú decoration and firing (in late afternoon and night).
- Cineramica
A festival of cinema and videos on ceramics at the cinema of Centre Parroquial. This is in the afternoon, when the fair closes for lunch and "siesta time". Films are presented by a ceramic artist or by the director. After the screening there is a discussion with the audience.
- Festa del Càntir
This is a festival held on 4th August (Saint Dominic's day) every year since 1951. In the morning hundreds of càntirs (traditional water jugs) are put on tables, beside the fountain, ready to be sold after their benediction by the priest. Every year collectors buy the historic model chosen to be reproduced by a renowned craftsman. At the same time ceramics games and competitions for children and adults start in the square.
- Other activities
Concerts with music instruments made of clay; Trepitjada (last day, when children tread on the pieces of clay made during the fair); guided visits to the Museum.
The origins of this market fair date back to the mid-17th century, when a lot of people came to Argentona on Saint Dominic's day to enjoy the water of the fountain after its benediction. It is said that this sacred water can protect and cure anyone who drinks it... whenever it is poured into a new jug (old jugs are not appropriate for this purpose); therefore, also a lot of potters came to Argentona to sell their products. The village has held its pottery fair ever since.